Monday, January 17, 2011

I Graduated. Now What?

It seems as if I have been going non-stop since 2008. Rather than taking a break the last two summers of my college career, I opted to take classes, including a 12-hour course load this past summer. I have no idea how I survived... especially with as little sleep as I had. I recall dreaming of the day when I wouldn't have a paper or project due. In mid-December that day came. It did not usher in the era of anti-stress that I had envisioned though. Rather, my papers and projects have merely been replaced with other to-do items.

Immediately after graduating I had a lot of packing to do. I moved back to St. Louis, Mo., at the end of December. I was excited to make it back for the holidays, but the lack of sleep and high levels of stress contributed to a poor immune system and I was sick over the holidays. I'm not sure I ever fully recovered, because the skies kept dumping more snow and I kept going outside to shovel it.

Anyway, I have been looking for a position in the hemophilia community, because I am passionate about helping the community. I am anxious to get to work and am beginning to get restless. I managed to keep busy with projects around the house, but as that list is diminishing, I am wondering: Now what?
I am planning to become ACE certified as a Video Specialist, studying more social media strategy and learning to develop iPhone and iPad apps.