No need for me to sugarcoat it... I hate Facebook. I have, up until now, used it because if I want to connect with all the other sheep in the world, I had to be on it. My New Year's resolution (no more facebook for me) is based on my new philosophy: if the only way to keep in touch with a "friend" is on Facebook, I don't want them as a friend.
I am on Google+ (a far superior social network), Twitter (my platform of choice), Vimeo (a video-sharing heaven) and LinkedIn (for the boring stuff). If anyone truly wishes to connect with me, they can do so at any of those platforms. Anyone who uses Facebook exclusively and is unwilling to connect through any other platform... well, frankly, they suck and I'm happy to be disconnected from them.
I don't want world peace. I want all the idiots who complain about Facebook to deactivate their account. Quit supporting that douche bag Zuckernuts!
Hello 2012! Good riddance Facebook!